Oak Ridge

Spring Clean Up Checklist


If we’ve learned anything about South Dakota it’s that we can never predict what weather spring will bring.

While a forecast of sunny days brings some excitement, it also reminds us of the work we need to do to get our landscaping in tip-top shape.

Below is a list of steps to get your yard ready for the season to come.

Seeds:  April is a great time to start seeds 

but keep in mind that our average last frost date is around May 12th.

Unwrap your trees: Remove tree protectors around any trees or shrubs.

Spray fruit trees: There are three applications that are important to prevent disease.

1st. Application:  When the buds are pink

2nd Application:  After the blossoms have dropped

3rd Application:  One month later after the last application

Cut back perennials: If you saved the pruning for later, now is the time to cut perennials back to the ground.

Mulch: Many will “Mulch in” their plants for extra insulation over the winter. Pull back the mulch and clean up any old leaves that may have been left behind. Top dress existing mulch every few years to freshen it up

Enrich existing garden soil with compost: Over time our soil loses nutrients due to soil leaching. To continue providing a nutrient-rich area for your plants to thrive, it is important to enrich your soil.