Oak Ridge

April Checklist, Once the Snow is Gone!


During the month of April, it’s important to uncover any winter mulches put in place before the winter season. It’s also the time to divide and replant any overgrown perennials to ensure proper future growth. Trees and plants can be planted as soon as the ground is dry enough for digging. Late frosts and unexpected snowfalls will not harm the growth of newly planted trees.

Here is the full April Care Checklist!

  • Uncover and remove winter mulch from roses, spring bulbs, and perennials
  • Divide and replant overgrown perennials.
  • Till flower and vegetable garden soil and add composted cow manure, peat moss, or compost.
  • Remove rose cones.
  • Plant trees and shrubs as soon as the ground is dry enough for digging; late frost and snow will not hurt newly planted trees.
  • Apply fresh mulch around trees and shrubs for weed control.
  • Prune hedges and summer flowering shrubs; check for damage and remove broken branches.
  • Remove tree wrap when snow melts.
  • Fertilize trees and shrubs.
  • Fertilize spring bulbs when foliage emerges.