Oak Ridge

Fall Preparation Checklist


As fall begins to set in, it’s time to prepare for cooler temperatures. Below we have compiled a fall yard and garden checklist to make sure you’re ready for fall and to set yourself up for success in the spring.


  • Divide and replant existing perennials and plant any new perennials, trees or shrubs that you are wanting to add to your landscaping for the year. (Yes, you can still plant in fall.)
  • Continue to water perennials (one gallon once every 7 days), trees (5-7 Gallons once every 10-14 days) and shrubs (3-5 gallons once every 7-10 days) until a hard freeze.
  • Plant spring blooming bulbs. (All About Fall Bulbs)
  • Prune shrubs to shape and promote new growth. (Excluding lilacs, forsythia, flowering plum; Spring blooming shrubs should be pruned immediately after blooming.)
  • Remove tops of raspberry canes that have fruited; lower portions will bear next summer.
  • Cut back and protect perennials using mulch or leaves.
  • Spray wilt pruf on evergreens to prevent browning.


  • Refresh tired planters by removing summer annuals and spruce up your planters with colorful mums, asters, and ornamental kale and pumpkins for fall interest.
  • Before a hard freeze remove flowering plants and store planters indoors to prevent freezing and cracking. If you plan to use spruce tips and fresh greens for winter interest keep the soil in the pot to hold the greens once temps are low enough.
  • Keep an eye on overnight temperatures – Once the weather starts approaching 40 degrees or lower, make sure to pull inside any tropical/ non hardy plants to prevent killing them. 
  • Store pesticides and herbicides in airtight containers and keep in a spot that will not freeze.


  • Keep newly seeded lawns watered.
  • Continue to mow your lawn to prevent snow mold next spring.
  • Apply winterizer to promote a healthy lawn
  • Spray broadleaf weeds in lawns (able to spray until a hard frost).